At the beach, we witnessed a robbery.
I happily identified the suspect.
These are the boats that used to take people to the entrance of the park, but are actually not used anymore. The entrance and the exit have swapped positions.
Here we are having fun on the beach. The water was really warm. Steve likened it to bath water. Other than the nasty cut I got on my knee from some coral, it was perfect.
The next day, we just lounged around at the hotel, went to the beach for lunch, and then went to the airport. NIGHTMARE. To make a long story short (too late?):
Hombre: The airplane is having a mechanical problem. The pilots are going to do a test.
(five minutes)
Hombre: Test failed. We're going to take you to San Jose via van. (Cue Steph crying because we were supposed to eat dinner with my tica family)
(10 minutes)
Hombre: They are sending us a plane! Should be here soon. (Cue Steph rejoycing)
(35 minutes)
Hombre: The plane can't leave San Jose because of weather. We're going by van. (Cue anger)
(10 minutes)
Van arrives. We make it in two hours. Should have taken about three. My life passed before my eyes. We were able to make it (really late) to my tica family's house for dinner. Laughter was shared. Food was eaten. All was right in the world.
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