First day of school was muy aburrido. It basically was an information session and placement testing. I didn’t have to take the test since I am a grad student. Nice. The campus isn’t too large and is easy to navigate. Another bonus is the cheap food. My familia Tica provides breakfast and dinner, so lunch is on my own. I literally can have a massive plate of food for $2-3. It’s craziness! But the funny part is $2 = 1000 colones. I literally have a 10,000 piece of money in my possession. Love it. Today I had a massive sandwich for about $2.50. It the states it would have easily cost me $5-6. Funny food note: all of the meat was called jamon (ham). But there was jamon pavo (turkey ham), jamon cerdo (pork ham), jamon pollo (chicken ham). I know that the pavo wasn't ham at all, so I think that jamon might be the tico way of saying lunchmeat.
Today was the second day of school, which was a huge improvement. I have two classes that are 2 hours and 20 minutes each. The first is Advanced Composition with Alejandra (Ale) in the Facultad de Letras (Humanities Building). There are about 12 of us in the class, including my friends Gina and Katie. Today was a lot of basic stuff and get-to-know-you activities. Ale is really nice and funny. Plus, she doesn’t give homework on the weekends.
Facultad de Letras
I then had Latinamerican Culture with Adriana. She’s more business than Ale, but is still really personable. I am looking forward to this class because there’s going to be movies, and we might take excursions. I know next to nothing about Tico culture, so this should be beyond useful. This class is in La Casita, which is a house next door to the university that MLSA owns.
La Casita